See the downloads
page to download the latest releases.
March 2003 (version 1.2.1)
Minor enhancements.
- Added command line interface.
- Updated RLoad
December 2002 (version 1.2.0)
Major revisions and refactoring.
- Added XPath querying
- Refactored RDB
- Added attribute querying to RGQuery
- Deprecated Demo classes
- Added initial logging using log4j
- Added exception handling
- Additional minor fixes
August 2002 (version 1.1.2)
Minor enhancements.
- Added StringOutput class
- Added XMLFRAGMENT argument to RServe
Note: the package hierarchy changed from "com.xweave"
to "org.xwdb" in the distribution at SourceForge.
June 2002 (version 1.1.1)
Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
- Added javadoc comments
- Add resultValue attribute for taglib demo
- Fix bug in Delete.
- Modified Format to not add extra space to character
- Removed logging to System.out.
- Additional minor fixes
September 2001 (version 1.1.0)
Provides XSLT, JSP and Apache Jakarta Tomcat enhancements.
- Includes additional JSP example files.
- Supports taglibs by adding the com.xweave.xmldb.demo.tags
package and taglib description file.
- Supports Apache Xalan for using XSLT without requiring
an XSL-enabled Web browser.
- Provides XSLT stylesheets (in addition to the
XSL/IE5 stylesheets in the book).
- Packages Web application examples as a war (Web
archive) file.
- Additional fixes to Demo commands to make them
more robust.
August 2001 (version 1.0.1)
Corrects bugs found after the CD was mastered for
publication but before the book was printed. These
changes are corrected in the book but are incorrect
on the CD distributed with the book. These are primarily
corrections for DB2 users.
- Corrects two example files (5-13, 7-10).
- Corrects java code for the RServe example (Chapter
5) for DB2 users.
- Permits specification of username/password as
part of connect string for DB2.
June 2001 (version 1.0.0)
Original version on the software CD distributed with
the book Designing
XML Databases.